Learning BLOG

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


The weather here in our southern california desert is hot as usual. I have lived here since 1987, and you never really get "used to it". Today it is expected to be 110 degrees! Our house was built in 1955 and lacks central air/heat. We have a swamp cooler and about 4 or 5 fans. Although those did us no good Sunday evening when we had a Flash Flood here in the desert. The storm included heavy, heavy rainfall, hail, high winds and to top it off a power outage. We were without power from 4pm to about midnight. Although the storm cooled everything off it was far to hot inside the house. We were all sitting out in the front yard along with many nieghbors. Later, I went out to get us some ice cream and the entire mall area was without power, on a Sunday, what would the mallwalkers do now to keep cool? Many large trees were fallen over right out of the ground! I am going to get a new digital camera this friday so I can start posting pictures here.
Until then here is a pic of me and my wonderful fiancee.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


okay i am trying to figure out how to use or create a blog. I have been browsing other Blogs for the past couple weeks some are so good!
How did they do that is a question I ask aloud quite often. Any pointers to even the basics would be much appreciated. Oh this is a pic of my kids & stepkids.